Argentina Gente Pequena Argentina   Facebook   Instagram
Australia Short Statured People of Australia
Austria BKMF Austria
Bulgaria Little People of Bulgaria
Canada Association of Little People of Alberta
Canada Association québécoise des personnes de petite taille
Canada Little People of Ontario
Canada Little People of British Columbia
Canada Little People of Manitoba
Columbia Corporacion Pequeñas Personas Latinas
red de redes latinas de pequeños y org de peq yPersonas
Asociación Pequeños Gigantes
Costa Rica Asociacion Pro Gente Pequeña de Costa Rica
Czech Association of Little People of Czech Republic
Denmark Little People of Denmark
Dominican Republic Personas Pequeñas de la República Dominicana
England Restricted Growth Association and Little People UK
Finland Lyhytkasvuiset-Kortväxta ry
France Association of People Small Size and Facebook Group
Germany BundesselbsthilfeVerband Kleinwüchsiger Menschen e.V.
Germany Bundesverband Kleinwüchsige Menschen und ihre Familien e.V. BKMF
Ghana Dwarf Sports Association Ghana
Guinea Personnes de Petite Taille Guinée Le Fromager
Holland Belangenvereniging Van Kleine Mensen(BVKM)
Hungary Little People of Hungary
India Little People of India
Italy AISAC Onlus
Iraq Short Stature People of Iraqi
Ireland Little People of Ireland
Japan Glory to Achondroplasia
Kenya Little People of Kenya
Kosovo Little People of Kosovo
Malaysia Little People Welfare Organization of Malaysia
Mexico Consejo Nacional de Gente Pequeno
New Zealand Little People of New Zealand
Norway Little People of Norway (NiK)
Philippines Little People of Philippines
Poland Little People of Poland  Facebook group
Poland Association for Children with Achondroplasia
Portugal ANDO Portugal
Scotland Short Stature Scotland
Slovakia Little People of Slovakia
Slovenia Little People of Slovenia (Drustvo Malih Ljudi Slovenije)
South Africa Little People of South Africa
Little People of Africa
South Korea Little People of South Korea
Sweden Association for People of Short Stature in Sweden
Switzerland Little People of Switzerland
Spain Asociación de Acondroplasia y otras Displasias Esqueléticas con Enanismo (ADEE)
Spain Asociación Nacional Para Problemos de Crecimeinto(CRECER)
Spain Fundación ALPE (website in English)
Uganda Little People of Uganda
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