Resources within Ireland

Below you will find a list of resources that are within Ireland. We try to keep this list up to date as much as possible.

Dwarf Sports Association Ireland

The Dwarf Sports Association Ireland, (DSAI), is a new sporting organisation established in 2012 with the aim of encouraging people with restricted growth conditions to participate in sports at a level suited to their ability.

Go to the Dwarf Sports Association Ireland website

National Specialist in Accessibility

The HSE appointed National Specialist in Accessibility Caoimhe Gleeson provides guidance, advice and strategic support in the promotion of access for people with disabilities.

Helping services understand your needs e.g. working with your healthcare team in advance of a hospital stay to allow them time to help. Understanding your right to give feedback including compliments, comments and complaints (Disability Act 2005 and Health Act 2004 – Your Service Your Say)

  • National Specialist in Accessibility
  • Office of Patient and Staff Engagement
  • Quality and Patient Safety Division
  • HSE
  • Arus Chluainin
  • Manorhamilton
  • Co. Leitrim

Send an email to Caoimhe Gleeson

National Council for Special Education

The National Council for Special Education (NCSE) in association with the National Disability Authority (NDA) has published for the first time an information booklet about the full range of post-school education and training options for adults and school leavers with disabilities. The NCSE booklet contains summary information on all of the main programmes and supports available to students with disabilities.

Go to National Council for Special Education for more information

Tax Relief for Vehicles Purchased for use by People with Disabilities

The Tax Relief for Vehicles Purchased for use by People with Disabilities Scheme provides for a range of tax reliefs in connection with the purchase and use of motor vehicles.

Go to for more information

National Toll Road Fee Exemption

Disabled drivers and disabled passengers with specially adapted vehicles in Ireland are exempt from toll charges on national roads throughout Ireland. Toll road operators issue special passes which are recognised by all toll road operators and which allow such vehicles pass through the tolls without paying.

Go to the Transport Infrastructure Ireland website for more information

National Job Shadow Initiative

The National Job Shadow Initiative is designed to give people with disabilities a unique opportunity to get a close up look at the world of work for one day or one week in April each year, enabling them to discover and learn about the skills and education required to compete and succeed in the work place. Job Shadow Initiative offers people with disabilities an opportunity to shadow a work place mentor as they go about their daily work.

Go to for more information

Central Remedial Clinic

The Central Remedial Clinic (CRC) provides a range of specialised services for children and adults with physical disabilities. Its facilities and services are available to people from all over Ireland.

Go to for more information

Irish Wheelchair Association

Driving Tuition and Assessment Service, Driver and Passenger Information and Advice, Disabled Parking Permit Scheme.

Go to for more information

Disabled Drivers Association Ireland

DDAI offers a residential 3-week intensive training driving course for any person with a physical disability.

Go to for more information

Motability Ireland

Vehicle adaptions for passengers and drivers.

Go to Motability Ireland for more information

Glencar Medical

Providers of Childcare, Mobility and Therapy Equipment to children and young adults.

Go to Glencar Medical for more information


The national support agency responsible for the provision of information, advice and advocacy on social services.

Go to Comhairle for more information

State Examinations

Reasonable accommodations for Candidates with Physical Difficulties.

Go to State Examinations for more information


SOLAS is the new Further Education and Training Authority in Ireland. It is responsible for funding, planning and co-ordinating training and further education programmes.

Go to SOLAS for more information

Association for Higher Education Access and Disability

Working to promote full access to and participation in third level education for students with disabilities in Ireland.

Go to AHEAD for more information


Resources outside Ireland

Below you will find a list of resources that are outside Ireland. We try to keep this list up to date as much as possible.


LPUK are a UK based charity that provides information and support to anyone and everyone of restricted growth in the United Kingdom.

Go to LPUK for more information

Restricted Growth Association (UK)

The RGA is a UK based charity that provides information and support to persons of restricted growth, and their families.

Go to RGA UK for more information

Short Stature Scotland

The aim of the group is to offer friendship, support and advice within an informal environment.

Go to Short Stature Scotland for more information

Little People of America (LPA)

Little People of America, Inc., is a national non-profit organization that provides support and information to people of short stature and their families.

Go to LPA for more information

Dwarf Sports Association UK

To make regular sporting opportunity accessible and enjoyable to anyone and everyone of restricted growth in the United Kingdom, regardless of their race, colour, ethnic origin, gender, location, sporting ability or financial support.

Go to DSA UK for more information

Dwarf Athletic Association America

DAAA was formed in 1985 to develop, promote and provide quality amateur level athletic opportunities for dwarf athletes in the United States.

Go to DAAA for more information

Short Persons Support

Their aim is to Support and provide reference material to persons of short stature, Raise awareness of the social and economic issues facing short people and Provide inspiration to short people to help better their lives and attitudes.

Go to SPS for more information


Manufacturers of FITBONE®.

Go to WITTENSTEIN for more information

Therapiezentrum Martinsmühle

A german medical facility specializing in corrective and cosmetic limb lengthening. Dr. Augustin Betz uses FITBONE® system.

Go to Therapiezentrum for more information

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